The Best Sleeping Position For Weight Loss
(And Another Simple Metabolism-Boosting Sleep Hack)
What’s your favorite sleeping position?
This might not seem like a big deal, but your preferred sleeping position may be affecting your weight. This isn't just a theory either. There’s actual science that supports this claim.
An interesting study was published a few years ago in the journal Nature and Science of Sleep. Over 600 men and women were included in this study. The researchers measured and analyzed the amount of time they spent sleeping in each position through the night.
Here’s what they found:
People who spent the MOST time sleeping on their SIDES had the HIGHEST BMI.
BMI stands for body mass index, which you might be familiar with. The more someone weighs, the higher their BMI.
So as you can see, spending too much time sleeping on your side is not friendly to your body weight.
At the other end of the spectrum, those with the LOWEST BMI spent more time sleeping on their BACK.
The takeaway?
Spending MORE time sleeping on your BACK is associated with a LOWER BMI and body weight.
However, if you find sleeping on your back too uncomfortable or suffer from sleep apnea, try sleeping on the left side. There’s some evidence that sleeping on your left side may improve digestion.
Either way, it’s pretty neat that something as simple as our sleeping position can potentially help us manage our weight.
Another Simple Sleep Hack for Weight Loss
For anyone who’d like to lose even more weight while they sleep, they should check out this simple sleep hack:
This amazing sleep hack only takes 30 seconds each day. But it reignites the body’s metabolic furnace. This results in burning off MORE glucose and calories while we sleep.
This short presentation explains everything: